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Legend of the Red Sun Village Page 2
Legend of the Red Sun Village Read online
Page 2
The figure stops and feels strength in the air; it slowly turns back his hood, and livestock scatter as he shows his white face, empty of blood.
Wing Shin's dim yellow eyes look down upon the village without sign of remorse and the Watchman meditates by candles and sword, angry in waiting at this evil rising force.
He is stirred by the vision of an ear-to-ear grin; his ancestors speak in whispers that gently blow the candles “take heed, there is old evil in him.”
Gliding slowly forward, the demon's cloak blows violently in the wind. Grey clouds cover the last hopeful rays of light as the day is dimmed.
From under his tattered and draping bloody sleeves, curved nails grow and cut through the ends of his long sleek fingers, and the Katana sheathed by his waist glows bright like an effervescent stinger.
The points of his two long twisted horns cleave branches as he floats below a naked cherry blossom tree, and his breath reeks of death as he vows to kill his old friend, Kamui Li.
Kamui Li holds his eyes closed as he runs his fingers across the Katana resting across his knees. His eyes look into folded sharp steel, and curse the reflection he sees. It was an old katana, stained with an eternity of souls, good and bad, young and old.
The Sorcerer whispers a message to the frosty air to take to the village, and as his chilling voice infiltrates their ears, they are too frozen to move, and can only look on and stare.
He tells the hearts of all those that are near, “I will feed on your good, I feel it strong, stronger than fear. Give me the blade, or pay with your lives... I know it is here.”
No longer a shape, Wing Shin disappears into mist. Into the village he reappears as smoke and ready to die outside the steps of the temple below the dark sky.
The tall gaunt entity stands motionless awaiting his foe, but for his clawed feet adjusting to solid ground, crunching and compressing the deep white snow.
He remembers when he was a child. He'd always loved the sound that it made. Alerted by the presence of his childhood friend, he quickly turns to find him standing at a lit doorway showered by endless patterns of drifting snowflakes.
Kamui stands ready to live and die, embracing what will be.
He smoothly draws his Katana from the Saya tucked in his Obi as his eyes remain fixed on the demon Sorcerer.
Kamui Li the Watchman and Wing Shin the Sorcerer slowly advance with caution, bowing their heads whilst maintaining eye contact. The wind moans in exhaustion. Their civil gestures meet as they circle each other in the square. The demon drools and smiles. The Samurai is still and unaffected and simply holds his stare.
Kamui Li is ready in his mind, ready to kill with blade, hands and feet.
His steps are slight and steady; he carefully adjusts his footing and controls his racing heartbeat.
Wing Shin grins as he clicks his steel and slides it up an inch from the hilt. Kamui Li draws his Katana and races to death, to die with honour, for his family. For his people, he’ll fight to the end; for the village that his old friend the Emperor had long since built.”
A young man in black and red lacquered Kikou and Kabuto Samurai armour walks from under the shadow of the trapped Bonsai tree. A Daisho, Wakizashi and Katana hang neatly by his side and tucked in his Obi. The young Japanese man exposes his eyes to the beams of moonlight sneaking through the gaps of the high crowded branches, and they glint red for a second as his demonic Mengu faceplate is uncovered to the light. Carrying two large plastic shopping bags over his shoulder he keeps his distance and listens to the dragon’s old fictitious tale. He has heard this made up story a thousand times, and as inaccurate as the story is, he never tires of hearing it. The dragon cuts his fabricated story short as his concentration is broken by the presence of the eavesdropping visitor. The visitor shakes his head in annoyance as he looks at the endless stacks of crates containing empty Sake bottles. The Samurai removes his domed and crested Kabuto helmet and approaches the dragon.
“Kamui Li, back so soon. Is that what I think it is?” asks the dragon, hopefully.
“This is the last time I run one of your ridiculous errands,” says Kamui Li, pulling a brand new DVD player out of a bag.
“We both know that isn't true,” says the dragon indirectly.
“Compliments of the Sicilian,” says Kamui Li, ignoring his remark whilst showing him the front of the box.
“Perfect! The three Pure Ones smile upon you,” says the dragon.
“I am sure they do,” says Kamui Li.
“All I need now is a new TV. A flat screen should do just fine,” says the dragon assumingly.
“Will it? Good luck with that. What is wrong with the TV you already have?” asks Kamui Li.
“‘Tis older than you and I combined. Besides, I cannot use my new DVD player with a TV that has no scart socket. What is in the other bag?” asks the dragon.
“Friends, season one, as requested. Breaking Bad season one and Lost, season five. Happy?” says Kamui Li, none too pleased.
“You know, I saw a trailer for a new zombie TV show. I think the mortals may be onto us. It's about a group of survivors...”
“I don't care. Dragon, we need to talk,” says Kamui Li sternly whilst stacking the towering collection of DVDs onto on the steps.
“The Demi-god Skyver, is he safe?” asks the dragon, hoping to avoid a lecture.
“His guardians are upset. They have not taken this well, and his mind is troubled as a result of this,” says the Japanese man.
“ ‘Tis to be expected, but he is safe, yes?” replies the dragon sensing something amiss. “What did you do?” asks the dragon suspiciously.
“The boy would not cooperate during his training, so I sent him on a journey of self discovery,” replies the Samurai.
“Like you did with the Don, Gunn, the Duke, Octane and Limbo?” drills the dragon.
“It works does it not?” replies the Samurai uncaringly.
The dragon sighs in disdain and disappointment before shooting the Samurai a slightly angered look.
“Not if they distrust you as a result of your methods,” replies the dragon.
“I am sick and tired of these people. Skyver is arrogant and lazy. He is just like all the other insolent gaijin. He assumes everything is going to be easy,” replies the Samurai.
“Of course he does, he is young. He also assumed you his friend. He trusted you,” says the dragon,
“He can trust me to do the right thing by him. What kind of a friend would I be if I were to send him into war ill-prepared for combat?” replies the Samurai.
“You need be more patient,” says the dragon.
“I have been patient long enough. We don't have time to fuck around!” snaps the Samurai.
“Where did you send him?” replies the dragon.
“I do not know, I just opened a portal, and threw him in,” replies Kamui Li.
“Where?” replies the dragon strongly.
“One of the nests,” replies Kamui Li, “The boy needs a healthy dose of reality,” says Kamui Li irritably.
“Skyver is a Demi-god, a powerful being capable of...who yet knows. But he is also half-mortal. Chris Cartwright is nothing more than an ordinary boy torn from his existence, his family and everything he knows. He is just a scaffolder, and you sent him into a dragon's nest,” says the dragon strongly.
“I do not care what he is, I am not a counsellor, nor am I his babysitter. I cannot hold their hands through every single one of their trials and tribulations. This not the way to make them strong... and your love for them has made you soft,” says Kamui Li.
“What did you say?” says the dragon calmly and threateningly whilst releasing the lead straw from the grip of its retracting teeth.
“I'm saying you are being overly lenient, a little,” replies the Samurai, heeding the dragon's latent fury. “Skyver will find his way back, of that I am certain,” assures Kamui Li.
“As far as he knows, you sent him to oblivion,” says the dragon.
nbsp; “Don't be so dramatic. This challenge will only make him stronger. Until he learns balance he is vulnerable, regardless of his youth or his ability to manipulate and glide upon his many tubes of steel. The sooner he learns to balance his mind the sooner he will be able to harness his powers, locate his dragon and begin construction on his army and Empire. When next he sees me, he will thank me for my “harsh” methods,” says Kamui Li, squeezing past the dragon to sit beside the sleeping Mexican.
“Assuming he returns to you. They will eat him alive if they get the chance,” says the dragon, revealing his wingless arms.
The dragon extends two black stumps from his back; void of any membrane that will gift him with the power of flight, the extended stumpy spikes bend, shift and move as he gestures toward the near fatal injuries he'd suffered eons ago at the hands of his partner.
“So what, ‘tis only mortal death, he will simply rise again in the nearest Trail of Light,” replies Kamui Li.
“Push them too hard and they may just turn against you,” says the dragon.
“Whatever, I’ll take my chances, and so will Skyver, just as we all have,” says Kamui Li, waving off the dragon's naive lecture.
There is a long pause from Kamui Li and his face turns stern as he looks at Pedro slumped against the railings of the steps with his mouth wide open and snoring loudly.
“If you were going to send him to sleep by reciting one of your tales, then why not tell him something closer to the truth,” suggests Kamui Li.
“Never let the truth get in the way of a good story,” says the dragon proudly.
“Why not focus on telling stories that will happen? You’d be making my mission of locating the other Demi-gods a lot easier. When was the last time you even had a prediction?” asks Kamui Li.
“Ah lighten up Kamui, get off my back,” replies the dragon, tiredly.
“Maybe if you didn’t drink so much…”
“Drink emphasises my range. Sit, drink with me,” says the dragon.
Kamui pauses, giving his surrogate brother a disapproving look and takes Pedro’s shot glass and pours in some Sake.
“One, then we talk,” says Kamui Li, reasoning with the huge beast.
“Just the one old friend. You look tired,” observes the dragon.
“Thank you,” quips Kamui Li.
“What is the real cause of your troubled mind?” asks the dragon.
“Long day,” gripes the Samurai before pausing in puzzlement, “haven't you been watching TV?” asks Kamui Li knocking back the shot of Sake.
“Yes, all day,” replies the dragon.
“The news channel?” asks the Samurai.
The dragon hesitates to answer and Kamui Li expels a short laugh whilst shaking his head, irritated at having his patience tested.
“No of course not. Which of the one million TV shows have you been wasting time watching, instead of focussing on your sole task in this realm? Lost, Desperate Housewives, The Sopranos'?” says Kamui Li trailing off into a semi-furious rant.
“I watch these shows to better understand this generation of mortals. Perhaps if you did the same you might find cooperating with them that much easier,” says the dragon.
“We have not the time for games. Your time here should not consist solely of drinking Sake and watching daytime Television,” says Kamui Li, storming over to the dated and cracked cable dial.
“Ooh, ooh, wait a minute,” says the dragon smiling, “This is my favourite part. This one becomes stuck in his leather pants and he calls his friend to...” says the dragon chuckling.
Kamui Li's eyes turn a deep glowing red as his pupils burn a bright blue, daring the dragon to finish his sentence.
“What channel is the news?” asks Kamui Li surfing through the infinite channels on the knackered second-hand box.
Kamui Li gives up and switches the TV back to the comedy channel before turning to the dragon with an expression of severity.
“What? What have I missed?” asks the dragon curiously.
“It is happening again. There has been another outbreak. The mortals are running out of time.” says Kamui Li.
“Where?” asks the dragon, concerned.
“A small town in Poland,” replies the Samurai.
“Is it contained?” asks the dragon.
“Barely. The Sicilian managed to contain it. The Government has quarantined the area. They believe it to be a virus of some kind,” says the Samurai. “The undead are rising again. I fear the Gates of Diyu will rise too late,” adds Kamui Li.
“Wing Shin will not allow that to happen, you know this. He wants this world untarnished for the day he ends mankind. Word will reach his ear of this latest rising of the undead, and he will release more demons into Purgatory to ease the walls of Diyu,” adds the dragon.
“The occurrences were few to begin with, but are happening more frequently now. The gates of hell will soon rise into Purgatory, and there is still so much to do,” says Kamui Li in dismay.
“Hell is over flowing with evil souls, and the damned are returning to life as a result of this. Wing Shin will use this as a distraction. Send word to the city to prepare for an attack. Let the others handle this, and focus on your mission at hand,” advises the dragon.
“I cannot depend on them to defend the Trail of Light in my absence. They have no honour. Others are afraid, and all but a handful are actually skilled with a blade,” mutters Kamui Li.
“How often need I remind you Kamui Li, they hail from a time much different to ours. So blinded by your disdain for your fellow Demi-gods you are, that you cannot see that even you yourself have changed,” says the dragon.
“But my mission has not,” replies the headstrong Samurai.
“Take a chance, let them handle this,” says the dragon, casually.
Kamui stares at the dragon in weary disbelief.
“We are talking about the safe keeping of the Trail of Light. I am doing all I can. Why don't you follow my lead for once?” argues the Samurai.
“What would you have me do? Go door to door telling...”
“...No of course not...”
“...the mortals to be 'kind' to one another, what am I...a Mormon?” says in the dragon in a tranquil ramble.
Kamui Li stares at the dragon with a vacant expression as he analyses the dragon's glib remark.
“It used to be that you came here to speak to me of good times past and share dear memories of old friends lost. There was a time you would visit often and we would marvel at the vast possibilities of a prosperous future in Purgatoria. Now I am fortunate to receive a single kind word during your few flying visits,” says the dragon sadly.
“I stopped by last week brother, but you were… how can I put this... busy,” says Kamui Li avoiding eye contact.
“Busy?” asks the dragon.
“You were watching the adult channel, so I left you to your business,” says Kamui Li awkwardly.
“You were watching me?!” says the dragon in disgust.
“No! As I said, I left. I have no wish to see you pleasuring yourself,” says Kamui Li in slight revulsion.
“I am in season. I am not going to apologise for indulging in one of life's few simple pleasures,” says the dragon.
“I am not saying you should, but you could at least pleasure yourself to your own kind. You watching people engage in human erotica is like me... indulging in the sight of two dragons in the middle of a mating ritu- no, no, no, I am sorry but it's strange and wrong my friend, wrong,” says Kamui Li shamed of his warped suggestion.
“Do you know what channel the dragon porn is on? For I do not,” says the dragon.
“Christ meets Raijin,” says Kamui Li in disbelief. “It's one stupid problem after the next,” he adds hysterically whilst scraping the back of his neck in agitation. “I don't know I'll err, I'll... bring you some Godzilla movies,” says Kamui Li off the top of his head.
“Godzilla is a male, what are you implying?” says the dragon severely.
“Nothing,” says Kamui Li defensively. “How can you tell he's a male?” he asks suddenly.
“How can you tell he's not?” retorts the dragon. “In any case, even if the Godzilla suit were that of female design, which it isn't, it is a man inside it,” he adds plainly.
“So Godzilla is transgendered, like a frog?” asks Kamui Li jestfully. “If it’s frog porn you seek all you need do is put it on the list,” says Kamui Li with a straight face.
“I not seek frog porn and Godzilla is not transgendered, you are transgendered. I merely...”
“Hey I'm not judging, I think it’s great that you’re... ‘expanding your horizons’,” says Kamui Li.