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Legend of the Red Sun Village Page 4
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Page 4
“What is this world of Chi?” says Pedro.
“You people originally know it as Purgatory,” says Kamui Li.
“Purgatorio? Purgatoria is Purgatory?! I am going to Purgatory?!” yells Pedro in horror whilst mimicking the sign of the cross against his chest.
“Relax, ‘tis not as you believe it to be. Pedro, once you arrive there you can never again return to Earth; you know too much and Wing Shin will surely see you dead. Can you live with that?” asks Kamui Li.
Kamui Li cannot decide what causes the pain in Pedro's eyes as they menacingly stare back at him. Perhaps it was the reality of never again returning to all that he has ever known, or the idea of journeying into the unknown land of Purgatory, or maybe he just didn't appreciate being asked if there was nothing he'd be willing to do for his beloved Anna, the Mexican President's daughter.
“Do not be surprised if your beloved Anna has changed in appearance since she was chosen,” says Kamui Li reservedly.
“I don't care, I have learned to live with many things over the years, things I am not proud of, but I cannot live without Anna. Everything I have done, I did to get her back; I will leave this place forever if that's what it takes,” says Pedro.
“Very well. Anna may look different: just remember she is still half-mortal. You are mortal Pedro, she is eternal. Trust me when I tell you to enjoy what little time you have left together,” says Kamui Li.
“The dragon told me that Anna is to be an Empress in the realm of Chi, and she'll be fighting in the biggest war in the history of time and space. What can I do?” asks Pedro.
“Do not get in her way, and do not allow yourself to be captured by the enemy. Stay as far away from Crypt as possible, and stay within the walls of the Zuìhòu city - you will be safe there,” says Kamui Li.
“Crypt? You mean the Australian, Will Bronson? This has all been one big misunderstanding,” says Pedro. “I did not send him that virus,” he adds.
“The evidence suggests otherwise. He is bankrupt, shamed and wanted by the authorities; he is ruined; and he believes you are responsible,” says Kamui Li.
“I didn't do anything. Occasionally he gives me access to his network security program, but I swear I did not use it against him,” says Pedro defensively.
“You need not convince me Pedro. Wing Shin has used your allegiance with Calacas to recruit Crypt, Will is with Wing Shin now, and is surely corrupted. He wants you dead Pedro, and Wing Shin will aid him in his quest for revenge,” warns Kamui Li.
Pedro looks at Kamui Li as if he is crazy and his stomach begins doing cartwheels as he feels himself getting further and further out of his depth.
“No, no, no, I know him, he wouldn't kill me. I know him - well I don't know him know him but he's not a killer - he’s an okay guy,” says Pedro, ludicrously.
“There are things about Will Bronson you do not know. Crypt is a pure-bred killer, former soldier in the Australian forces, and ex-mercenary. Don't let his résumé fool you, he is much more than a software programmer,” says Kamui Li.
“Anti-virus software tech-”
“Whatever,” replies Kamui Li. “Crypt will kill you,” he adds.
“Crypt, Calacas, Santa Muerta, Snooze, Skyver, Doc, Scorch, Jennycide, Skippy, Trench, Mac… what’s with all the code names?” asks Pedro.
“They are not code names. One day we will forget the names we were given on the day of our mortal birth, but at some point during our short lives, we each of us chose an alias, or were branded with one. A name to be reborn by, to retain our identities as mortals and Demi-gods,” says Kamui Li.
“Just how old are you?” asks Pedro curiously.
“I can't remember. It doesn't matter anymore,” says Kamui Li.
“You do not die? You actually live forever?” asks Pedro.
“Yes,” says Kamui Li abruptly whilst picking up his Kabuto helmet.
“And my Anna?” asks Pedro, needing final clarification.
“Immortal. Only a Katana blade through our hearts will end our unnatural long lives,” says Kamui bluntly.
“This pendejo Wing Shin, the man that killed my Anna using the Breed 77 Strain, he will be where you are going yes?” asks Pedro.
“His Empire resides far from our domain. Do not try anything foolish to save your wounded pride; he could destroy you in the blink of an eye, or drag you to Diyu, and if you are cast unto Diyu, there is no coming back,” says Kamui Li.
“Diyu?” asks Pedro.
“Pedro once you arrive in the Zuìhòu city you will encounter many historians, soldiers and local people, who will be more than glad to answer your fifty questions,” says Kamui Li.
“No, I want to hear it from you. What is this Diyu?” asks Pedro.
“Diyu is the place you people call Hell; ‘tis another plain. You can see the inter-dimensional gates from the Damned Canyon in Purgatoria,” says Kamui Li rapidly.
“So it is as I feared, dios mio,” says Pedro in shock.
Pedro begins to feel light-headed as he listens to the tirade of overwhelming information and he places his hand flat on the nearest wall to prop himself up.
“I don't feel...” says Pedro in between breaths, “I don't feel well, I don't believe it, I don't believe you,” says Pedro, spitting excess drool from his mouth.
“It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, it doesn't change anything. You people have been, how can I put this kindly... ‘dumbed down’. You people no longer believe in the concept of the divine, the power of Chi, or the possibility of magic. You no longer see the lonely ghosts wandering the quiet country lanes in the midst of night,” says Kamui Li.
“I don't want to see a lonely ghost wandering a quiet country lane; I want my life with Anna back. I want things back the way they were when things made sense,” replies Pedro, struggling to soak in his new reality, “and now you're telling me there is a Planet Hell,” says Pedro, clutching the top of his head.
“An entire universe actually, a closed dimension. Do not be so concerned, I looked into your soul the minute I arrived; you will not go there when your body gives up,” replies Kamui Li casually.
“You looked into my soul?” says Pedro in disturbed disbelief.
“Yes, ‘tis the gift of all Demi-gods, even the rogues that keep the Floods of Diyu,” replies Kamui Li.
“How is this possible, how is it decided?” asks Pedro desperately.
“From the very moment you entered this world, you, just like every other self-aware organism in this world, were synchronized,” says Kamui Li.
“Synchronized with what?” asks Pedro.
“From day one, your blank, untarnished souls are synchronized with the Earth's Essence Core,” says Kamui Li.
“You are talking about the Earth's core?” says Pedro.
“Yes,” replies Kamui Li.
“You are saying the Earth's core decides my fate?” says Pedro, puzzled.
“No, you decide that. The Essence Core merely sorts you people into the relevant after-realm upon your deaths,” replies Kamui Li.
“Bullshit, we would know this! That is not... possible! The planet is rock and metal, land, water, not some... A.I. computer. You are suggesting the Earth is alive on a conscious level. How would we not know that?” says Pedro, ridiculing his own rant.
“The Earth has the ability to act, and react on an evolutionary scale,” says Kamui Li.
“How?” asks Pedro.
“Through the most powerful, reliable and primitive of senses: instinct,” says Kamui Li.
“That isn't possible, I don't... Prove it! Explain it to me, give me an example…tu eres loco!” says Pedro close to having a meltdown,
“An example?” muses Kamui Li boringly. “65 million years ago the earth created a race of Reptoidian creatures...” says Kamui Li.
“You mean dinosaurs?” says Pedro.
“Yes, and although simple, they grazed upon a lush ecosystem and terraformed the surface of the planet to the point where life thrived o
n every square mile. A single rock from space destroyed everything, causing the earth to hit the reset button. What do you imagine would happen in the event of a repeat occurrence?” asks Kamui Li.
“It wouldn't, not with our nuclear deterrents, satellite imagery and...” says Pedro, suddenly realizing his point, “what are you saying Kamui, that we are the Earth's artificial intelligence?”
“Yes, the Earth created an artificial intelligence designed to prevent another asteroid from hitting,” concludes the strange warrior, “the Essence Core has the ability to learn, to survive on a level incomprehensible to your current science. We call it self-preservation,” adds Kamui Li.
“And the Trail of Light, what is it, why is it so important?” asks Pedro.
“It is the passageway to heaven, or Paradise, Eden, whatever you choose to call it. Every Demi-god has the power to raise a Trail of Light from their Empire should they pledge their allegiance to it. When a demon is released from Diyu into Purgatoria, the first thing they seek out is peace. Should just one demon be allowed to enter the Trail of Light, it will corrupt and destroy it,” says Kamui Li.
Kamui Li studies the Mexican curiously, judging his lack of knowledge regarding the events surrounding him.“I promised to keep you safe. Go now to the portal,” says Kamui Li abruptly.
“Portal?” asks Pedro.
“The Bonsai tree. Walk into the shadow of the Bonsai tree. How do you think you got here?” says Kamui Li.
“I was unconscious when I arrived. I go into the tree, what then?” asks Pedro.
“There is no instruction manual required Pedro. You walk into the shadow of the tree, journey across time and space and you will arrive in Zuìhòu city. My people are anticipating your arrival; go with them,” says Kamui Li.
“What about the dragon? We can't just leave him alone?” asks Pedro,
“He isn't alone, the keeper of the Soup dragon restaurant will watch over him. Come now, time is short and I must leave,” says Kamui Li.
“Into the tree?” says Pedro staring at it apprehensively.
“Into the tree,” repeats Kamui Li firmly.
“Does it hurt?” asks Pedro.
“For mortals and first-timers, yes,” replies Kamui Li.
Pedro cautiously approaches the edge of the shadow of the tree, watched closely by the immortal as he studies his expressions of doubt. The suited man outstretches his arm into the shadow and yanks it back with a grunt, pained at the crushing sensation with the darkness. With time working against the Samurai, he considers pushing him in before deciding on a more tactful approach.
“I will go first. Follow my lead and you will see there is nothing to fear,” says Kamui Li, stepping forward.
Pedro nods, although his unsure expression does not concur with his reply as he clenches his forearm in discomfort.
“I'll see you on the other side,” says the Samurai as he steps into the clustered swaying shadow of the tree leaves.
Pedro slowly strides one leg into the shadow and feels a crushing sensation and so pulls it back out. Pedro closes his eyes and pictures the smiling face of his beloved fiancée Anna. Pedro opens his eyes and prepares to step forward, but stops short as he sees the dragon staring at him with a half-open eye. The dragon speaks quietly, leaving Pedro with a dire warning.
“Beware of Crypt, he will stop at nothing to find you and seek his revenge against you,” says the dragon in a low coarse voice.
“I am not worried about him,” says Pedro.
“You should be,” replies the dragon.
“He's just a man,” replies Pedro.
“Not anymore,” replies the dragon.
“I am more interested in hearing the rest of your story... even if it was fabricated, or completely made up,” says Pedro.
“In and out of sleep were you?” says the dragon.
“Something like that. Next time, you can tell me the real story, the truth,” says Pedro.
“Agreed, but next time you had best keep up,” says the dragon smiling tiredly.
“Next time I am bringing Tequila,” quips Pedro.
The whiskered corners of the dragon’s mouth rise as the beast smiles at Pedro’s candour.
“It all began with the giver of light and peace, but that is a story for another day,” says the dragon indirectly. “Farewell my Mexican friend.”
“Adios dragon,” replies Pedro before stepping completely into the shadow of the Bonsai tree.
“The truth,” says the dragon silently, “the truth is, we knew too much, yet far too little,” he adds before laughing in self-mockery and spluttering out a mouthful of Sake.
The giant black reptile continues to chuckle at his own ramblings and the drainpipe drops from his mouth with a clang. The dragon's face eventually turns grave as he ponders on the actual happenings that had seen him live through countless ages, and he thinks long and hard on the actual events that had set the selection process in motion. The dragon begins speaking to an imaginary crowd of people; he imagines them sat around him peacefully, just like they used to around sunset on Xīngzhī yè kāihuā (Star Night Blossom) Hill. The dragon tells one of his most famous and most important stories, a story that maintains his sanity in this strange world of Sake, walls and labyrinths and lonely alleyways. He tells the story of how it all began; a story that began in a time so different that it may as well have come from a different world. A tale of honour, blood and steel. Tales of dragons, the undead, demons, trolls and magic. Legends of love, evil, hatred and bravery. Legends of the Red Sun Village…
100,000 ACE (After Creation of the Earth)
The second age of the Yù Xīng Dynasty
Inside the white mist of the sky, high above a silver spire, a circular cloud holds ground to a young barefooted man harnessing his flow of Chi through guided meditation. He smoothly whisks and wraps white wisps of vapour around his exercise zone with his fingers poised in a rigid pose. His legs move swiftly as they twist and turn, as if his very knees were possessed by that of a steady winding snake.
The green-eyed Buddhist, lower clothed in jade-coloured slacks, manipulates the high winds using Tai-Chi to centre his karma. He breathes steady in the stone cold chill of the sky whilst basking in the warm rays of the yellow sun. Using the surrounding clouds in a display of acrobatic kicks and thrusts, the Buddhist trains in the sacred art of Wushu. Upon landing from a combination of aerial kicks he performs a backflip off the edge of the cloud, landing perfectly on the edge of a thin stretch of cloud above. The bald-headed teen flips effortlessly between the clouds surrounding the mist-covered peak of the Tower of Guāng (Light). Emperor Yu-Huang bounds in vertical strides as he climbs higher into the sky, and the clouds support every pushing step like firm soft cushions until he pushes himself into a vast leap across a great gap of sheer blue. The Emperor remembers his lessons, and all his Mother's training, and he trains hard, and pushes himself until perfecting his exercise. Satisfied with his day’s training, the bare-chested man collects his robe and walks to the edge of the cloud. Upon the highest cloud he looks out and over in contentment as sees his great city in complete view. He closes his eyes and smiles as he listens to the thousands of peaceful voices in and beyond the Huanghua city and outer territories. All is right with his rule, and there is little discord to speak of, crime is minimal, the Liumang prison had never been emptier, even the Pits of Guàiwù remain free from marauders and scavenger dragons. The peace of mind is calming, and the concord of continuing voices quietens his soul after his hard day’s training. The Emperor extends his sight beyond the realm of China, and believes he can sense the same joyous emotion all over the world in all its foreign wonder. Yu-Huang's eyes curiously divert to a section of his kingdom, a long stretch of neatly rowed trees. He scans the area looking for her, but perhaps she has been and gone already. Suddenly his senses return to the here and now as he's alerted to a faint scream. Unafraid, he looks to the sky as a sword-shaped cloud coats him in darkness. The tip of the
fluffy dagger turns red as it floats in front of the sun, and a wavy stream of cloud breaks from the tip of the long blade to create the illusion of running blood. The cloud then turns as dark as possible before dispersing outwards and coating him and his Empire in darkness.
“Yuànjǐng (a vision)... Xuè (of blood).... Sǐwáng (death)... Yǔ hēi'àn (and darkness),” says Emperor Yu-Huang, undeterred by the omen.
As the cloud disappears to leave Yu-Huang in a state of deep thought, he feels slight vibrations across the surface of his skin. His sense of hearing sharpens as he listens to every breed of dog whining and howling wildly in fear. The high-pitched sound actually hurts his ears as he squints slightly. The sight of birds suddenly flocking in the same direction distracts him from the extreme discomfort and he looks back as they continue flying over the distant Kunlun Mountains. The vibrations on the surface of his skin become stronger, and as he looks to the horizon of the Great Sea beyond the realm of Japan, he sees it. The blue horizon grows in height as it gradually rises, and in a matter of seconds, his countrymen see it too. The curved wall of rippling water reaches so high he tilts his head to see its white refreshing crest arching below the sun. The white crest sparkles and shimmers below the sunrays and as imposing as it seems, it just doesn't feel too bad a thing to be destroyed by something so beautiful. But as the sheer depth of rumbling rolling water blocks out the lovely light, its beauty is replaced by dark awe, and its vicious motives no longer appear majestic to the gawping spectators. The screams of his people tell him they do not appreciate its beauty as much as he, and he is powerless to save them from their fate and fear. The salt water spray touches his face as the wall of life and death draws closer. Chaos ensues in the cities, markets, hamlets and farmsteads below. Some grab their children’s arms and flee the thundering wave. Others are too petrified to move as they watch the reflective and rippling wave of green cast them in absolute shadow. Yu-Huang watches the suffering of his people as the base of the wave engulfs them in a ramp of white crashing water. The great wall, high-rise tiered pagodas, temples and garrisons, all are lifting or destroyed by the annihilating arch. Only the Tower of Guang stands strong and solid as the bottom of the wave crashes against it. The gigantic curve of water rises up the Tower of Guang until reaching the flush circular peak.